Chesapeake 20 All-Stars and Nationals Rules

Posted in: Current
By Brandon Casteel
Jun 24, 2008 - 2:39:32 PM


The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing.


Competitors may enter by delivering a completed an entry form to the Chesapeake 20 Class Association at the Annapolis Maritime Museum (AMM).


Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located on the AMM deck.


Signals made ashore will be displayed from the flagpole located on the AMM property. If a postponement is signaled ashore, the warning signal will be made not less than 60 minutes after AP is lowered.


A Skippers meeting will be held at AMM at 9:30 am on Saturday June 28, 2008.  The Race Committee will rendezvous at 10:15 on Saturday, June 28th at the entrance to Back Creek. The warning signal for the first race on Saturday will be at 11:00.  Subsequent races will be held as soon as possible after the end of the previous race.  No warning signal after 4:00 pm on Saturday.  Boats will rendezvous at 9:15 am on Sunday, June 29th at the entrance to Back Creek.  No warning signal after 12:30 pm on Sunday.


The racing area will be near the confluence of the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay.


            7.1 The course[s] will be Windward – Leeward. The course will be designated by a placard on the       Signal Boat.

      7.2 The Courses are:

B – The course is a windward, leeward once around, finish to leeward. The marks will be rounded in order of windward, finish.

D -   The course is a windward, leeward, two times around, finish to leeward. The marks will be rounded in order of windward, leeward, windward, finish.

All marks will be rounded to Port. The leeward mark(s) are not marks of the course on the first windward leg and the finishing leg.  

      7.3 The approximate distance (nm) between the leeward and windward mark will be shown on a        board accompanying the course designator.  The approximate magnetic bearing of the first mark will be indicated by a number board.

      7.4 The Starting and Finishing line will be located to leeward of the leeward mark. 

      7.5 The marks will be as follows: Start and Finish pins will be 4 foot orange tetrahedrons.  Windward and leeward mark(s) will be 5 foot orange cylinders. Windward change mark will be a green cylinder.

      7.6 When the windward mark of the course is to be a change mark, Code flag C will be displayed by the starting line signal boat, accompanied by a series of repetitive sound signals.


      8.1 The starting and finish line will be on the port side of the Signal Boat. The starting and finish line will be between an orange flag on the Signal Boat and the port end starting mark.

      8.2 A committee boat which is also a starting mark may set a limit mark.  A boat shall not touch either the limit mark or the committee boat or pass between them. For purposes of Rule 31.1 (Touching a Mark) and Rule 28.1 (Sailing the Course), the limit mark and the committee boat shall be considered to be a single starting mark.  No other requirements of Rules 31 or 28 are modified by this paragraph.


If the Race Committee shortens a course, it will be shortened in accordance with Rule 32.


The time limit for each race will be 1 1/2 hours for the first boat in that Class to finish. Boats sailing in that Class finishing more than 30 minutes after the first boat that sails the course and finishes will be scored TLE (Time Limit Expired). This changes Rule 35.  TLE will be scored number of finishers plus two.


      11.1 Rule 61.1(a) is changed to require: “Notice of Intent to Protest and the racing number of the protested boat shall be given to the Race Committee promptly upon finishing by hail acknowledged by the Committee.  A boat intending to protest but retiring before finishing shall notify the Race Committee of her intent and the racing number of the protested boat at the first reasonable opportunity.”

      11.2 Protests shall be written on protest forms available at AMM.  Completed protest forms shall be delivered to the jury secretary at AMM within one hour of the race committee finish boat docking.

      11.3 The protest time limit and a list of protests received will be posted on the notice board. Hearings will be held as soon as possible after racing each day in the jury room located in the Barge House at AMM.


The Low Point System of Appendix A of the racing rules will apply. There will be a throw out in the event that six or more races are scored. One completed race constitutes a series.