Annapolis to West River Race & Heintz Regatta

Posted in: News, 2011 Race Results
By Ted Weihe
Sep 7, 2011 - 9:48:23 AM

Annapolis to West River Race & Billy Heintz Regatta

Friday, we had a great SSA to WRSC race with the tide to Thomas Point and one tack all the way back to WRSC.  We started with a tow of seven Chesapeake 20's to SSA behind the Correct Craft which did very well.  The race took a bit over two hours.  The strategy was to be the first to Thomas Point since that was upwind with the breeze from the SE.  The low tide was supposed to be at 2 or 3 PM at Thomas Point which was running late.  Those that went to the channel on Starboard tack had large waves to slow them down.  Those that in shore by Tolley Point, lost the tide advantage indicated by the crab pot floats and clam line markers.  Osprey put on a good fight to close the gap, on The Endeavor, however both crews and skippers were paying close attention to sail trim.  Gerhard said I gave up some ground looking back to much.  The real battle was in the rear of the pack between Aurora, Stormy and Spirit.

1.  The Endeavor with Clay Taylor, John Dutch crew
2.  Osprey with Gerhard Kloser, Jean Luc and Annie, Crew
3.  Contrary with Andrew Resnik, (  ) Crew

Second, two great days of racing with plenty of wind up to 15 knots and deck awash with rollers and power boat wakes.  On Saturday, we raced with the starting line at the mouth of the Rhode River and the windward pin to the West which resulted in a speed boat race on one tack since a major wind shift happened at the start from the West to the South.  It was like the Washington I 495 traffic but with no lane divides in either direction with three fleets.  The Race Committee got it together and moved the mark to the South on the next race.  After that, it was just the big power and sail boats crossing through the race course which traversed the channel.  We booked FIVE races on Saturday and had one swamping on the last race with Osprey.  When Stormy was hauled, Ted discovered he had a center board gasket creating drag, nearly 70% unglued.  The bailing party was at the dock thanks to Robin Hartge towing the low in the water Chesapeake 20.  Five races definitely had everyone WOW mode and second guessing the decision to have the fifth race.

On Sunday, the race committee took us out to the bay to play like real big boaters!  The course was favored to the Shady Side shore on the first tack off of the starting line.  Lots of waves and good breeze made the upwind challenging and the down wind fast.  The Endeavor lost a pin on the fore stay and then broke the jib halyard on the last upwind leg of the first race and retired.  Stormy raced with one half of its gaskets.  The lack of 1/2 of one side of the centerboard gaskets definitely impacted downwind performance.  Upwind seamed find.  The remaining sailors, accomplished three races even longer in distance than Saturdays.  Stormy ripped the port jamb cleat fastening almost out of the deck.  Osprey did a ballet dance of a circle with main sheet to tight.  We might call that a broached penalty circle?  Gracie with a solid team and the right size crew on the wire powered up wind to take the wins.

1.  Gracie with Bob Blomquist, Larry Carroll Crew
2.  Osprey with Gerhard Kloser,  (  )  Crew
3.  Spirit with Robin Hartge and Ron Tate Crew

The Chesapeake 20 Racers and Crew want to thank the Race Committee for a good job and volunteering for the success of the event.